Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Easter Holidays

I guess this is a formal apology to anyone who follows my blog about my lack of posts in the past week or so. I've had a lot of written modules to complete and submit recently and so I've been concentrating more on those than any art work that I have planned.

Just as an update; I haven't made any additions to my Fine Art collages since my last post (which was towards the end of March, whoops) but once I have completed my WBL report I should get back to working towards an outcome with them. However, I am currently working on a painting for my SPT module involving symbols. Naturally my fascination with Oriental culture has taken over - I don't want to give too much away before I can post an image of the final piece, but it involves Chinese dragons.

I'll stop being a terrible Fine Artist soon and post some more of my work.